------- mine --------- Scott H • Hale ^ "restored to meet today’s codes, " is what an expert said - so there you have it and other people are just as capable of finding that as I am but yet you instead argue ------------------------- Kelly T • East Colfax The age of the stove isn't what's being challenged. It's that there is a stove at all. Apparently KITCHEN stoves never catch fire but basement stoves do? (?) ------------------------- Robin W • Cheesman Park Scott H none of that happened so.....🤷🏼‍♀️ ----------------------- === mine deleted by lead ==== the basement probably doesn't have an egress window, Kelly T - there's other info missing here but again, if the stove was reconditioned to ensure it was safe then the owner would've mentioned that - but it's a point to just have your all's wriggle room to get somebody like me hooked into your sick, materialistic, idealistic, idiocy - so you include minimum info since it's all about your posit that the "gumment" be overreaching into your all's life ================== ------ mine --------- Scott H • Hale the crux of it is that people like to have issue with the "occidental culture", Kelly T, or western culture with laws, ordinances, and building codes and all that. 🇺🇸 ------- mine -------- Scott H • Hale ever heard "err on the side of caution"? (what the hell?)