Robin W β€’ Cheesman Park Scott H. Scott, no one is attacking or scapegoating anyone. This is a discussion and there can be disagreement without it being an attack. I understand that you are highly sensitive and feel attacked, but there is nothing personal going on. Please, for your own comfort, stop accusing us of this. Nextdoor can be difficult for some people, I get that, and it may not be the platform for you. I am genuinely concerned for your comfort and ease. Peace✌🏻 -------------- T-- R-- β€’ Historic Montclair Kelly T Exactly! ------------- T-- R-- β€’ Historic Montclair Kelly T πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ ------------- Ruthie J β€’ Mayfair Kelly T it is not even about the stove. It about unrelated people living under one roof. ================= === not in reply to mine ==== LAWRENCE W β€’ Northeast Park Hill What’s with this unacceptable issue?? To whom?? And why are you making negativity instead of a positive?? Just curious how you get your point of view!! ------------- Ruthie J β€’ Mayfair I am making light of a nosey neighbor causing me work.. I try to see the positive. It is what it is. :)